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It's about food, restaurants, recipes and just plain eating.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I'm making these biscuit dough pizzas again for only the second time.  I first blogged about them at madKnews.  I was almost embarrassed to confess to liking them as they stand for everything I dislike in the kitchen, namely convenience foods.  But I also confess I buy and use these biscuits (and crescent rolls and bread and cookie dough and pizza dough) all the time so . . .

The reason I decided to make these again is because they were so good the first time.  That and the fact that I found pepperoni in the freezer when I thought there was none.  Moral of the story - clean your room!  You'll find things you thought were gone!

Another reason is that tonight is a special TV night which means I'll be in front of the tube pretty much all night long and these can be made oven-ready in just a few minutes, then baked when wanted.  Nifty.

Quotable Quotes; in the category That's What I'm Talking About - Less Talk!

"So I promise you that this State of the State, like a good pizza, will be delivered in 25 minutes or less."  Ruth Ann Minner, Governor of Delaware 2001- 2009

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